IT-solutions for Your Business

LANIT-TERCOM is a leading Russian IT company that fulfills industrial orders and non-standard science-intensive projects in the field of programming.

We’ve been developing software for Russian and foreign customers with worldwide reputation for more than 30 years, solving mathematically complex problems and finding non-trivial solutions.

In cooperation with our clients and partners we implement large-scale projects that improve people's lives. We create medical information systems, educational platforms, and digital transformation projects.

Our clients

Our customers are located around the world:

НИИ Радио БЭТО ООО  «Интерлизинг» ООО «ЛАНИТ-ТЕХНОЛОГИИ» Healbe Relativity ЦНИИ ЭлектроПрибор Код Безопасности Laerdal T-Systems Imaqliq СОКОЛ-АТС ЕИРЦ ПАО "Газпромнефть" Italtel СПбГУ Nethawk НАВИС Focon Siemens Area9 Интелтех ЕМИАС Банк России dbMotion ИТ Центр СПБГУ McGraw Hill Равенство Citi SIXT APL Сбербанк Вектор ООО «БиАйЭй-Технолоджиз» Foss Ланит Oplayo Мобильное электронное образование IIG