Prof. Andrey N. Terekhov, Founder and President PhD in Computer Science (1978, Compiler writing), Habilitation Thesis (1991, Software technology). Professor of Saint-Petersburg State University, Head of Software Engineering Chair. Member of ACM and IEEE Computer Society. Member of RUSSOFT Board of Directors (Association of Russian software enterprises).

Рrof. Andrey Terekhov founded and has directed LANIT-TERCOM ever since we began back in 1991 as one of the very first IT companies in Russia.
To this day we are a leader in the international market for IT tech and systems built on complex mathematical programming.
LANIT-TERCOM specializes in the development and support of software and information systems, digital transformation of production and business processes, re-engineering of complex systems, development of IT solutions for the oil and gas industry, medicine and education using artificial intelligence, computer vision and distributed ledgers.
On the initiative of the CEO Andrey N. Terekhov small state enterprise Tercom was founded. The company draws on the experience of the Software Engineering Laboratory, a young and forward-looking team of the department of Mathematics and Mechanics at St. Petersburg State University. It is Andrey Terekhov's vision that the company will provide an opportunity to apply novel methods to actual software development practice.
Tercom successfully operates with Italtel (Milano, Italy) and SEER Technologies (NC, USA)
In addition to the state enterprise Tercom new private company LANIT-TERCOM was created as a part of LANIT HOLDING - the largest Russian system integrator.
LANIT-TERCOM is one of the main initiators of establishing FORT-ROSS, a consortium uniting St. Petersburg’s major IT companies.
LANIT-TERCOM takes part in RUSSOFT, an industry association uniting more than 100 IT companies from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. LANIT-TERCOM’s CEO, Andrey Terekhov is a member of the Association RUSSOFT Board.
LANIT-TERCOM actively participates in the government-aided Peterhof-Naukograd program aimed at creating an IT park of St.Petersburg State University.
LANIT-TERCOM ranks among the leading companies of Russia’s high-technology sector. Thanks to the professionalism and creativity of the company’s developers, as well as the talent and flexibility of the management team, the company has become a major mature organization, capable of meeting all challenges of today’s business.
Official European partners of LANIT-TERCOM are companies from the USA, Denmark, Germany, Finland and Sweden. Joint projects are implemented with European research centers and international consulting companies.LANIT-TERCOM is increasing its expertise in the field of medicine, banking sector, extends the direction of telecommunication systems (mobile technology).
The latest developments of the company are submitted to the international it exhibitions, the leaders of LANIT-TERCOM take part in the major conferences (Gartner, LISA). With the help of new projects for energy companies and banks are increasing activity of the company on the Russian market.
LANIT-TERCOM celebrates its 20-th anniversary of successful work in IT area. Its own line of innovative products is launched: integrating technology ViEye - passive stereo vision system. For realization of the project the subsidiary company «Computer Vision Systems Ltd.» is established (from 2012 - a subsidiary company of LANIT HOLDING).
LANIT-TERCOM participates in the international IT events. Development of the company received recognition on a variety of IT-competitions in Russia and abroad. Cooperation with Russian and foreign clients in the fields of telecommunication developmentant, scientific research equipment, fault tolerant control systems, software reengineering. Work is under way on new interesting projects in the banking and military sectors.
On the 30.09.2016 "LANIT-TERCOM" Joint Stock Company changed its’ entity to "LANIT-TERCOM" Limited Liability Company according to the new legal rules of the authorities of the Russian Federation.
LANIT-TERCOM celebrated 20 years in the LANIT Group. On September 27, 2018, Andrey Terekhov was named president of LANIT-TERCOM. The company is opening two new offices in St. Petersburg: one in Peterhof, the other near metro station Chernyshevskaya. As of 2018, Lanit-Tercom owns two production facilities in St. Petersburg to go along with offices in Tomsk and Abakan.
Due to the pandemic, LANIT-TERCOM is successfully transferring all employees to a remote work format and equipping offices, observing the newly introduced recommendations. The company focuses on projects in the medical, educational, government and oil and gas sectors and is becoming one of the ambassadors of digital transformation.

In 2004 Vadim graduated with honors from the mechanics and mathematical modelling faculty at Saint Petersburg State University. His career at LANIT-TERCOM began in 2001 with a stint as a junior developer, though by 2009 he was in charge of the telecommunication department. In 2016 he shouldered responsibility for the company’s entire production department and became CEO in 2021.

Having started his IT career as a computer programmer in 1994 in SE Tercom, today Mr. Ufnarovskii is a successful manager with many years of IT top management experience. Mr. Ufnarovskii graduated with honours from St. Petersburg State University in the field of Computer Science.

In 1999, Elena graduated from Saint Petersburg State University of Economics with a degree in accounting and audit. She began her LANIT-TERCOM accounting career in 2006, was promoted to head accountant in 2014, and took charge of the company’s finances in 2019.In 2016, she completed a course on currency operations and foreign trade activity, the next year graduating from a professional prep course that earned her a title as head accountant.